Enhanced webinars with Teams Premium – Overview

Enhanced webinars with Teams Premium - Overview

Let’s talk about the next set of features in Teams Premium – webinars. The latest features reshaped it significantly and right now it’s really a competitive webinar solution. Among the new features are enhanced presenter functions, a new attendees management process, and the addition of a “green room.” These new features aim to provide a professional and streamlined experience for both presenters and attendees. In this post, I will guide you through the process of configuring and enabling these new features. I will explain how presenters can leverage Teams to enhance their webinar experience.

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How to use apps in Teams channel meetings

How to use the app in Teams channel meetings

You can use apps in meetings for some time now. It’s a great way to quickly share content more interactively or to add additional features to a meeting. Add a poll or share a task from a task management tool. The feature was limited only to scheduled meetings but now you can use it in channel meetings too!

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